Nitrole can give roles for Nitro (Full), Nitro Classic (Old Nitro), Hypesquad Events. Simply invite the bot, select the server you want to use it in and choose the roles you want to give it. Some settings are set automatically, such as locale. Nitrole is a one of a kind bot that allows server owners to accurately and without moderator input assign roles for users with Nitro and Hypesquad. gsettings show - shows GiveawayBot's settings on the server. You can also right-click (or long-press on mobile) on an ended giveaway and select Apps > Reroll Giveaway to reroll. A lightweight discord bot that allows users to create self-claimable Nitro only roles using discords new linked role feature.

greroll - picks a new winner from the specified giveaway. Theres like no way someone will be giving away free money, if it sounds too good to be true it most likely is. glist - lists all the currently-running giveaways on the server gdelete - deletes the specified giveaway without picking winners. gend - ends the specified currently-running giveaway and picks the appropriate number of winners immediately. To use minutes/hours/days instead of seconds, simply include an "m", "h", or "d" in the time ~ /gstart 3m. gstart - starts a giveaway with the provided number of seconds.įor example, /gstart 30s 2 Steam Code would start a 30-second giveaway for a Steam Code with 2 winners! gcreate - creates a giveaway (interactive setup) ginvite - shows a link to add the bot to your server gabout - shows information about the bot